Oh, wait, I was lying. The nerdy pursuit of altering electronic circuit boards is probably the least attractive thing a guy can do – but who cares when you have such pixel perfect beauty on your CRT TVs. In truth, retro console modding is a dying art, especially since retro consoles look hideous on modern TVs, and this MD represent my last venture.

I’ve been away from both the blog and the Games of the World section on the main website for what seems like weeks if not months, mainly because I’m trying to sell off as much of my collection as possible and get things in order for... a cataclysmic life changing decision next year. Well, I’m moving house at least, and I want my entire life to fit into 3 boxes maximum. HG101 overlord DA recently moved, and anyone with a big collection will confirm, it’s not easy.
The MD came with a Sega CD unit, and to increase sales value I decided to mod it. Although the Sega CD unit can only play PAL games, you can rip NTSC games, patch them, reburn them onto CDR, boot them on a PAL system in 50Hz, then flick a switch to force them to run in 60Hz as they were originally meant to. I did this with my MD2 and SCD2 for a long time. Plus, with an RGB SCART cable, there is absolutely no better way of getting a super crisp image.
The soldering went smoothly enough, but I lacked a SCART cable. So I went to a local French store and traded a copy of Tail Concerto on PS1 for a French SCART cable. Its Sega reference was Model 3085 and it came with a massive black box in the middle, which I found odd. And it didn’t work. I had sound but no picture. So I took it back and got another one. Same problem again. Look at it, I wondered if the Black Box was somehow the problem. So I popped it open, and the 8-pin DIN plug, and checked the cables. I then decided to severe the cables in the box and re-attach them to each manually. This was fun, since the Red, Green and Blue signal carriers on the 8-pin DIN side were coloured Green, Orange and Red, whereas those on the SCART were coloured correctly, so I had to repeatedly tell myself: caps to the legs, legs to the dynamite. Good thing I watch TV, huh?
I then did some googling and found this topic on Digital Press.
The Digital press website has of course moved since I found that topic, and using google to search it directly yields nothing, so I hope the above Google cache works, since it documents someone else’s solution to my problem.
This is what Dzerp discovered regarding said 3085 Sega cable.
“So here is what needs to be done if anyone else has the same problem with a Model 3085 Sega RGB cable. Cut the (+) connector one the left side of the board and connect it to the SINC on the other side (also cut). And presto. Have a really nice RGB picture.”
I had spent an entire evening rewiring the thing because I was too lazy to walk to my computer and search the net. And what I ended up with was a broken, semi-functioning cable, when a simple, single wire snip and resolder would have fixed the problem.
Well, I didn’t feel like buying another cable. And the machine was so goddamned ugly I didn’t think I could sell it anyway anymore. So I gave it to the guy at my local French store. For free. I also traded in the SCD unit for 30 Euro store credit, which I intend to put towards Vanquish.
For anyone interested in doing this mod themselves, I recommend the Mmmonkey website.
Direct link to the MD mod.

Heheh, nice job. I recently got a Megadrive 2 (and an Everdrive) and I decided to add a 50/60Hz switch to it because the PAL crap was depressing me. I hadn't done any soldering in more than ten years but it all went perfectly and I had a blast. Modding consoles is satisfying and manly as hell.
ReplyDeleteI hope you had fun too ruining your console.
Well, it functioned just fine in the end, it was just ugly and hence had little to no resale value.
ReplyDeleteMan, there's hardcore, and then there's HARDCORE. Aces.
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ReplyDeleteIf I had to get all of my games to fit into three boxes I think my CD-i would be the first thing I'd get rid of. No wait, third. My Menacer and Super Scope are bigger wastes of space.
ReplyDeleteEdit: Maybe I should get rid of everything and just buy three Game Boats!
I used to have the same problem with that 3085 "Adapteur RVB" cable. It had sound, but the picture was all grey.
ReplyDeleteI desoldered the (+) and SINC cables inside the black box, and connected them. After i did that and turned on my MD1 the screen was now black and all i could hear from the TV and front audio jack was a buzzing sound.
I undind the modification(resoldered + and SINC to their places inside the box), and now the screen was all grey but no sound :(
I tried the system on a friend which had a TV set that worked with the cable before i modified it. It did not worked.
There's a huge chance of the system being fucked up. I tried all my carts on it and the same thing happens. Also the RESET button does nothing now.
I forgot to mention that i have basic soldering experience(this was actually the first circuit board i soldered on).
That has to be the best looking MD I've ever seen, love it :-)
ReplyDeleteMan, those things were built like concrete. Great work. I always wanted to MOD a console but I have always chickened out.