I'll be at A Video Game Con in Parsippany, NJ this weekend. Last year was its first year and it only ran for one day, but this time it's running on both Saturday and Sunday. Make sure to check the web page so the parking situation makes sense - it will definitely overcrowd and if you park in the wrong spot you'll get a ticketed/towed.

Here's what my table looked like last year. Expect similar stuff, though I haven't quite determined what games to bring...probably some more boxed NES stuff. Take note that we have several more books available since last year, including The 200 Best Video Games of All Time, Taito Arcade Classics, Data East Arcade Classics, and The Untold History of Japanese Game Developers Vol. 2. They're being sold a bit cheaper than Amazon since I don't have to deal with their monstrous cut in the profit, so stop by and talk video game stuff (and buy my book(s))!
Also, take note that there's an excellent Cluck-U Chicken right down the road from the Parsippany PAL Building. If you want to drive about 15 minutes to Morristown, you can also get a fat sandwich for a taste of some traditional New Jersey cuisine. And that's just a 5 minute walk from the Morristown Game Vault arcade.