When naked bodies are finally ready to play, they come out of the screen as flesh and pixels entities. All we now have to do is invent new ways to hide those unchaste sights between third dimension, blur and pixelated sweat…
Having read this blog post on French magazine AMUSEMENT, which is where the above quote is taken from, I felt the need to investigate France’s fascinating videogame magazine world. Also, given America’s strict rules about showing female breasts and nipples, I really, really, really wanted to upset sensitive people with the above image from AMUSEMENT (click for an uncensored version). Considering every human suckles on them for several months, I find the extreme need to hide nipples perverse. While Halverson's PLAY magazine felt the need to block out the nipples in their Dante’s Inferno preview, walking the streets of France not a day goes by without me seeing the nipples of beautiful women, be it on the beaches, in advertising, mainstream magazines or mainstream television. Female nipples are everywhere.
Anyway, French magazines. A lot of these photos are low res. If you want them large enough to read the text, you’ll have to download THIS 70mb file. Also, scroll way down for photos from my adventure to a local French store.

This one-shot then led to a trilogy of Retro Game magazines, which came out sporadically and then died.
They also covered stuff which I’ve either never seen covered elsewhere, or only received a very small amount of coverage.
It was sadly short-lived, because I think this mag had some potential. And Retro Gamer sorely needs a rival. I wish America would start a retro mag, and pump some serious budget into it.
I went undercover for this, dressed as a businessman, taking photos of magazine from a French store. Of course we were eventually rumbled, and so I only managed to photograph maybe a quarter of what’s available.
The French have at least 2 magazines dedicated solely to RPG videogames. While a lot of such games get translated into French, considering that most RPGs are in Japanese and English, and as a genre require fluency in said languages, I find it mind-blowing that the French market supports not one, but two publications dedicated solely to the genre. They also cover imports from Japan and America which will probably never see a French release. The French study English at school, but this is still a pretty hardcore situation to have. Can you imagine an RPG magazine in America covering Japanese and Spanish imports? I’m not even sure if Japan, country of RPGs, has a publication dedicated to the genre. Do they? Do they have two?
Nice design, overall game scores out of 20. Lots of import coverage.
A long time ago I recall seeing a magazine dedicated to Table Top RPGs. I forget the name, and I didn’t see it on my recent trip so it might have closed, but I seem to recall it didn’t cover videogames, or only slightly, and it had heavy emphasis on those old table top RPGs, and stuff like Magic the Gathering. Or maybe I’m mixing it up with the above mags – but I’m sure there was a 3rd publication.
This is rather cool. It’s like the Reader’s Digest of videogame mags, over 260 pages, and thick with features. Not game reviews or interviews, but good old fashioned features. It does do previews and reviews, but the thing missing from American publications is really clever features. A look at people, companies, culture, retro, the gaming economy, gaming series, genres, cross-over between comics and games, and so on. Just check out the contents pages.
It was at this point that I was rumbled by the management, while in the middle of photographing Joypad, so I only got 2 pics and had to grab the other cover from their website. I tried to explain to her, in French, that I was a journalist from England writing an article on life in France, including a comparison of French magazines. But she was having none of it. As you can seen from the photo, I’m about 7ft 8in tall.

Joypad appears to have some kind of affiliation with EDGE, as noted by the title EDGE in their top left corner. Now, I’ve written a lot of articles on the significance of videogame culture, for publications like The Gamer’s Quarter and The Escapist, and EDGE without fail always gets things wrong (and their reviews, from games such as Gunstar Heroes to Valkyria Chronicles, are pathetic and again fail to get the point of what the games are trying to do). So anything trying to connect itself to EDGE makes me nervous.
Pleasantly though JOYPAD seems quite good inside, and I think it’s written by French people as opposed to translated from the English EDGE. The Deadspace 2 issue seemed to have a history article on past issues, which looked rather snazzy. Their Bayonetta review also did not give a perfect score – it got 18 out of 20, as opposed to UK EDGE’s 10/10. So if there is a connection, it doesn’t seem too strong.
Also, their blog is rather awesome, with this entry dedicated to indie games!
There are a few dozen other mags, mainly single format, a few official mags, plus a whole swathe of PC game mags which slowly blend into PC technical publications, and not forgetting cheats mags and the like. A lot like most countries.
But as I’ve shown, the French also have a lot of unique stuff, which I’ve never seen anywhere else.
IG seems to be a great magazine; it costs 8 euros, but no advertising are inside. This magazine is edited by ankama, which also owns the dofus franchise, thus the dofus magazine. Ankama produces video games, magazines, artbooks, and even manga from the dofus universe. It's a great rising company in france, going into many directions and trying to do some good work.
ReplyDeleteAs for joypad, they used to be a good magazine back in the days; they have the equivalent magazine for PC called joystick. Since Future press did acquire the 2 magazines, the quality has been going down. The edge addon is pretty new, probably to get audiences back to the magazine.
you should also have a look at pixnlove : http://editionspixnlove.fr. They sell good magazines , but only by internet or selected resellers.
In France , the videogames magazine industry is a real mess. The life of magazines are very short, they usually quickly appear and then quickly disappear. And the content is usually pretty bad... It used to be good in the 90's with many cult magazines (including Joypad and Joystick, the only surviving magazines...) but everything went wrong in the 2000's.
ReplyDeleteAnkama is a real mistery in france. They produce quite cheap products, their games are famous for being dull but Ankama is everywhere. I guess it's some kind of nationalism...
I forgot to say i'm french...
Wow, interesting read. Their magazines look so much better.
ReplyDeleteThe graphic design and photography for Amusement looks absolutely incredible... I'm not sure I have much hope for the actual content, though. Still, I love it when people go the extra mile to make video games look ultra trendy.
ReplyDeleteThat photo with the girl queefing psychic energy and blowing everything away is amazing, but I haven't the foggiest on how it pertains to gaming? 0_o
ReplyDeleteregarding dofus: there's a cartoon based on that online game, that's very good, and i think the magazine might contain comics based on the cartoon based on the game?
ReplyDeletei can only guess since i've never been to france, and only know about the whole thing because the cartoon is pretty popular among cartoon nerds on certain message boards.
Thanks for this great article and for the pics. You would think that we here in the US would have magazines to match the Europeans. The nearest thing we have to quality is 'Play', which is OK, but a far cry from 'Edge' or 'Retro Gamer', let alone Dave Halverson's own halcyon days as 'Die Hard Game Fan'.
ReplyDeleteMore about Dofus:I don't know for the rest of the world but in France, there are many many comic books and "mangas" based on the franchise. There are even art books and magazines.
ReplyDeleteIt's a kind of nerdy empire because i don't know anyone who buy this and generally, in bookstores, whereas many people read other mangas, the Dofus shelves are usually empty of people. The quality can be very good but it's often very bad.
There is an anime too, i've seen a few episodes and it's quite good.
What is the name of the store you visited, if you can say?
ReplyDeleteI downloaded your file, but the Amusement photos are not included. Is it possible to get them? I am buying a subscription for my friend, but I want him to choose between IG, Amusement and Joypad. I was going to use your images to let him choose. :)
ReplyDeleteWow....I wish American game mags were as detailed and interesting like those are (we'll they used to be). Its almost compatible to Japanese gaming mags if not more so. When most people in Japan just by famitsu (despite the fact that there are waaaay cooler ones out there)
ReplyDeleteHideki Sato's picture is taken from Beep! Mega drive (november 1988).
ReplyDeleteA few GameFan journalists have created/joined Pix n' Love.
The History of Nintendo Vol 1 is available in english: http://pixnlovepublishing.com/topic/index.html