For a chance to win it’s simple:
Write 50 words on an obscure PS1 import game you’d like to see released on PSN and we’ll enter you in our raffle.
Winners will be chosen at random, and afterwards we’ll be putting the entries on our blog (so don’t forget to include your name). If you want to include a screenshot you can, but it’s not essential.

* Competition closes Wednesday 12 January, Midnight GMT time (which is like 7pm EST and 4pm PST). You’ve got roughly one week.
* Send as many entries as you like under the same name, but when Captain Murphy the cat comes to pick a winner out of his Fatal Fury hat, he’s only going to be putting one of each person’s name inside. Don’t try sending multiple entries under different names – he’ll be checking this stuff.
* Import games only. If it had a US or European release it doesn’t count.
* 50 words only please – we reserve the right to edit any entries.
* Prizes will be in the form of a PSN code – winners will need to have US PSN accounts.
* Email your text entries to HG101 overlord Kurt Kalata at coolata42@yahoo.com

Arc the Lad III

The problems come from the fact that initially a number of parties were involved, and with the passage of 10 years (or more in the case of some PS1 games) those companies have changed hands, merged, or disappeared. Following the rights trail is a challenge. Seemingly "simple" licenses become complicated when one party (say a musician) has rights again because a license lapsed. Or maybe 3 parties on a game are willing to license, but the 4th isn't interested or doesn't care. It's a lot of cheerleading and motivational politics, which adds up to time, time, time and money, for a game that sells for $6, divided 3, 4, 5, 6 or more ways (depending on the level of complication in the license) and won't sell 50k units, in all probability. It's an issue of opportunity cost in the end.

Let's see how these first few go before getting people into a bigger lather. There's a tough road ahead, and I'm not sure the support is 100% there to make this work on PSN, but we're giving it a shot with some of the best PS1 stuff first to give it the best chance of succeeding.

The great thing about Arc the Lad Collection was that the gameplay between the three series shared a common bond, but the experiences were so different. Now players who missed the series the first time around can finally put that last puzzle piece in their digital RPG collection and experience the great characters and satisfying end to the story arc that Arc the Lad III offers. GaijinWorks has been watching the reception of these titles we’re doing with MonkeyPaw Games and as long as the fanbase is there, we anticipate more import cooperation with MonkeyPaw Games. Slide us some PSN download love and we’ll make sure to return the favor with more digital gaming goodness.

As much as I'd like to agree with you on collectors, there is a reason the games get expensive, and it's because they're rare. I don't think badly of a person that had the foresight to pick up the game before it becomes collectible.
ReplyDeleteOf course, you may only be referring to the fact that these re-releases give others the opportunity to play the games, and I'm all for that. I just don't hold collectors in disdain for taking advantage of a limited market.
I was referring to collectors who buy multiple copies of one game to maintain the rarity. I'm sad to say I've know a couple of people like this - you meet them at conventions/signings. It was most prevalent on the Neo Geo, from what I've seen, which is why I'm so glad Metal Slug got re-released ad nauseam. Some 32-bit RPGs are another example, since for many of the more obscure ones you could kind of see the writing on the wall - limited releases and mediocre sales at the time implied a future price hike.
ReplyDeleteIf you bought it at the time because you liked it, then you've earned my respect since you added sales to something which deserved it. If you trawled car boot sales (yard sales) years after the fact to pick up every copy of Suikoden 2 you could find, and then sat on them for years to appreciate, you're not a nice guy. :(
This does make me think as I do kinda like to gather such games, but only because I like them and the pride of owning them. If I buy something I will play a few times. But I'm with you about the jerks who buy more than one copy.