I’ve recently discovered that a Chinese forum which had a photo of every ghost in Metal Gear Solid went down, and no one else has such an archive. I also discovered that Jeremy Blaustein was removed from the game – contrary to what FAQ writers say, his ghost is not near the corpse of Sniper Wolf – and I dare the gaming world to prove me wrong. Otherwise, here’s 42 shots of the ghosts.
These were taken by a forumite named WeiZ, also known as Sunye, on the now dead mgscn.com forums. All credit for taking them go to him (though I fully expect other websites to soon claim ownership). If you want to use them, please credit WeiZ/Sunye for taking them, and myself for taking the time to individually upload each one of them.
Sunye states quite clearly (in Chinese) that he could not find Jeremy Blaustein near Sniper Wolf, and speculates as to why. The 42 which he found makes more sense, since it is a round number and fits perfectly onto 6 PS1 memory cards. So why was Jeremy removed? And can you claim to have found him?
Anyway, enjoy! The name goes below the photo.

In case you guys don't know, Jeremy Blaustein was the translator. People in the entertainment industry ALWAYS find a way to ditch translators... sad.
ReplyDeleteKnowing the history, it figures how Blaustein doesn't make the cut but Scott Dolph does.
ReplyDeleteThese were very helpful in reproducing a guide to capture the ghost photos (gonna post it on gamefaqs). I haven't been able to get Mori though; the picture looks like it's from the southeastern wall on floor between the two cargo elevators but it's just not working. This is the last photo I need (beside Jeremy's, if it exists).
ReplyDeleteYes, the FAQ is great, but how to capture Mori, i'm can't find it!
ReplyDeleteI come from the future 2013 ...
ReplyDeleteNo way, I came from 2014! BTW, ancient games like these are very... uhmm, how do I say it..? Amusing.
ReplyDeleteHi, I come from 2015... lol
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I have some updates about Mori and Blaustein's ghosts. I already PM'd the author of this Ghosts FAQ: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197909-metal-gear-solid/faqs/68880
Motosada Mori
- Images:
- Location: Cargo Elevator (Middle)
- Detail: Stand south of the eastern elevator and take a picture of the middle of the southern wall.
- Note: Tested on the US, Japanese and Integral versions. I couldn't find this ghost on the Integral version, yet it's still present in the game's code.
Jeremy Blaustein
- Images:
- Location: Snowfield
- Detail: Go back to the Snowfield after defeating Sniper Wolf (her corpse is gone, there's a little wolf running around, etc.). Just south of the Level 6 door that leads to the Blast Furnace, there are five trees placed in the shape of a "M". Stand east or west of the middle tree and take a picture of its root.
- Note: Tested on the US, Japanese and Integral versions. I couldn't find this ghost on the Japanese version, yet it's still present in the game's code.
You're the greatest. A fellow MGS1 fan thanks you.
DeleteI can't find any ghosts on PC version of the game. Does it work on console versions only?
ReplyDeleteThe ghost images thoroughly confused me as a kid, I was slightly terrified honestly . Thank you for this.
ReplyDeleteNTSC Jap version got Mori, PAL version got Blaustein, NTSC US version got the both. So 42 ghosts for NTSC Jap and PAL versions, and 43 ghosts for NTSC US version. Thanks for everybody for their works, it helps me.