HardcoreGaming101 and MonkeyPaw Games are proud to present the Monkeygland Sauce Competition, giving you the chance to win a US PSN download code for either 2D action game Rapid Angel or Yakiniku Bugyou (焼肉奉行), a meat-themed puzzler. We have 5 codes for each to give away, so read on for your chance to grab one.

With MonkeyPaw Games going through a meat renaissance with its up-and-coming BurgerTime World Tour game, plus recent Yakiniku Bugyou sizzler on PSN imports, my mind instantly turned to the simian-named Monkeygland Sauce, used by South African steak and grill houses for burgers and other grilled meats. Ironically it doesn’t contain any monkey glands at all – in fact most recipes are vegan friendly. Still, what an incredible name!

Simply follow both @HG_101 and @MonkeyPawGames on Twitter, and make a Tweet saying “I love Monkeygland Sauce!”, then put the name of your preferred game (Rapid Angel or Yakiniku Bugyou) and @HG_101 and @MonkeyPawGames at the end. If you want to use the leftover characters to say something hilarious about why Monkeygland Sauce is awesome, then bonus points to you loyal reader!
We’re giving away three codes for each game via Twitter (so a total of six). Winners will be chosen at random on Saturday morning. Afterwards we’ll message you with the code. If you like you can enter twice, once for each game, but please don’t submit more than this.

If you’re old-fashioned and don’t use Twitter, then you can enter directly via email. For a chance in the draw all you have to do is email your name and something – anything – amusing and relating to Monkeygland Sauce or the games of MonkeyPaw Games. Anything I can post online when announcing the winners.
We’re giving away two codes for each game via email (so a total of four). Winners will be chosen at random, meaning if you’re not feeling creative just type “I love Monkeygland Sauce” in the email and we’ll enter you anyway. Please mention if you have a preference for one game over another.
Personally I’m hoping for some witty lines on why you like it, perhaps pages of poetry, a youtube video of someone singing their love for meat-based games, maybe an oil painting of MonkeyPaw Games’ John Greiner sitting amidst a fort made from bottles of the sauce, or perhaps just a photo of yourself playing Alundra with a bowl of monkey sauce close to hand for emergency refreshment. Be creative! Excessively “saucy” photos might not be published, but will be circulated among staff.

Discoalucard is away for the week, so send emails to:
Just replace the [brackets] with the usual symbols. Please put Monkeygland Sauce Competition in the subject heading.
Winners will require a US PSN account to validate any game codes.
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