Note that, in keeping with the trope, they're just randomly mashing buttons and appear to be using Atari-ish joysticks. This is weird because the game in question is shown briefly to be Street Fighter II:

...but wait a minute. Isn't there something odd about that shot? Note the solid black background on the status bar. That's right, this is the beta of the Genesis version of Street Fighter II Special Champion Edition, shown to the press in early 1993 and delayed until later in the year to retool it to more closely match the arcade (and SNES) game. (I spent an entire summer between seventh and eighth grade grieving this, because I wanted it so badly, but only had a Genesis.) I couldn't find any pictures of it out there, and my scanner is so badly broken that I can't put up any shots, so you'll have to trust me on this.
So the question is: how on earth did a sitcom get a beta copy of a video game that was only ever shown to the press? Was it just a video tape? They obviously aren't played it for real. The only place I ever read about this was in the Retro section of an old issue of British mag games(tm), wherein they were equally as perplexed. Furthermore, the episode had aired around 1996 or 97, long after the official version had been released. I don't know if anyone ever figured this out - anybody know?
Is it possible that the footage came from a UK computer port? (Granted, games(tm) probably thought of that.)
ReplyDeleteIn unrelated news, man do I love Father Ted.
I checked the Mobygames SFII screenshot page, and all of them have the proper (transparent) status bar, so I'm 99% sure this was the Genesis (or rather, Mega Drive in this case) beta.
ReplyDeleteI seem to recall that GamesTM ended up having one of the guys involved with the show write in and explain it - though I can't recall the answer and don't have access to my back issues. I have a vague feeling the mystery was solved.
ReplyDeleteGraham Lineham is a huge games fan though, as noted by his appearance in... I think it was Charlie Brooker's Gameswipe? Plus all the obscure game references in The IT Crowd. So I wouldn't be surprised if he did that for kicks.
Well if I remember correctly there's an equally bizarre appearance of Sonic 1 Beta in Wayne's World (You can see the Space ships in Marble Zone).
ReplyDeletePossibly it was preview code given to Gamesmaster that they used since both were Channel 4 shows??
ReplyDeleteI know Lineham has been asked about the version of Street Fighter in the show multiple times and he hasn't a clue so no help there either.