This whole "weekly update" thing has ended up being far more draining that I'd expected, especially when I spent last weekend clicking through three different Tokimeki Memorial games to write this post on the numerous hidden shooter minigames - and I'm not even done with it! Regardless, please accept this super update for the missed week. If it happens again just chalk it up to me taking a break and actually playing video games for a change.
So anyway, I'm surprised we haven't had an article on Gitaroo Man yet, but here it is. It heralds back to the pre-Guitar Hero/Rock Band era of rhythm games, when they were all following in the footsteps of Parappa the Rappa. It was made by iNiS, the same guys who made the (even better) Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents series for the DS, which I started on article for three years ago and never finished. Some day! Also up is a look at Lagrange Point, an early 90s Famicom RPG published by Konami that's one of the most technically advanced games on the system, as it was developed to compete with the 16-bit games of the time. It's hard to shake the feeling that it's sort of a Phantasy Star ripoff, but it's impressive nonetheless. Trio the Punch is a bizarre Data East arcade game that's often referenced when talking about cracked out Japanese games, and now you can find out why. Fighter's Destiny is another one of those off-brand 3D fighters that no one really remembers that brings plenty of unique mechanics to the table. Lattice 200EC7 is a strange rail shooter for the PSOne, and Lucidity is an artsy side scrolling platformer published by LucasArts, of all people. Part 2 of the 21st Century Pinball article is up too.
The Spotlight Article is Knights in the Nightmare, to flesh out the Sting article. It's long overdue, and it highlights why I don't like to do company features anymore, unless they're defunct. When I initially wrote it like 4-ish years ago, I was all excited and into Yggdra Union, but Knights in the Nightmare is practically incomprehensible (though the review does a good job of explaining it) and Atlus has refused to localize the numerous spinoffs and sequels that Sting has developed since. They did release Hexyz Force, another of their titles which assumedly flopped, but that's not covered as of yet. So if you're into these types of games and want to help expand article, please drop me a line!. And Your Weekly(-ish) Kusoge is Noby Noby Boy, Keita Takahashi's follow-up of sorts to Katamari Damacy. The critical opinion at large seems to enjoy it for its cutesiness despite it being little more than a tech demo, but we are not so generous, and the (unintentional?) sexual metaphors are beyond silly. The Jackie Chan article has also been updated to include a bit about a Famiclone endorsed by the martial arts superstar back in the day.
Also, as noted below, Amazon dropped the price of The Guide to Classic Graphic Adventures to $19.44. I don't actually decide when/if this goes on sale, and I don't know whether it's temporary or permanent, so if you've been on the fence for a physical copy, this is the best time! You can read some reviews over at Kotaku and Richard Cobbett's site. It misses the free shipping threshold now, but they've got some good deals this week, including The Witcher 2 for $37, Alice: Madness Returns for $40 ($30 for the PC), and L.A. Noire for $40.