I don't know of this link is new or not, but check out http://sega.jp/opinion, which is a general contact form where you can contact Sega of Japan about stuff. In a recent interview with Famitsu 360, one of the Sega producers urged gamers to request classic Sega game you'd like to see ported to modern platforms. The past couple years, Sega has been absolutely brilliant in bringing its back catalogue to various services - recent arcade games like After Burner Climax, The House of the Dead 4, and Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown, revamped ports like Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, Daytona USA and now NiGHTS into Dreams, and the awesome Sega Vintage Collection, with the likes of Golden Axe, Streets of Rage and Monster World.
Anyway, disregard whatever game you want to see on the service, because you should vote for Planet Harriers instead. Here is why.

Planet Harriers is the last in the line started by Space Harrier, which was originally released in arcades back in 1986. There were a few follow-ups like Space Harrier 3D for the Master System and Space Harrier II for the Genesis, but both were on weaker hardware and could not hold a candle to the original. Planet Harriers was something more of a true sequel - like the fantastic After Burner Climax and equally amazing OutRun 2, both of which it predated, it took the basic concepts of the original and molded it into a more modern game. The logical evolution of Space Harrier was to turn it into something like Panzer Dragoon, which is exactly what Planet Harriers is. You fly through canyons and caverns. There is are lock-on missiles. Opa-Opa from Fantasy Zone even runs a shop where you can buy stuff. The character designs are silly, yes, like the sexy nurse and the punk rock guy, but it really is classic Sega, blue skys and all.
There is a brief review in HG101's Space Harrier article, which is short because I'd written it all from memory, having played it only once several years before in a tiny "arcade" shoved in the corner of the food court in the Palisades Mall in Nyack, NY. I would like to be able to play it again. The best we can do in the meantime is watch this video:
Planet Harriers was released in 2000 only in the arcades for the Hikaru hardware, which was a stopgap between the Naomi (basically Dreamcast hardware) and Chihiro (basically Xbox hardware). Although the Xbox could've handled it from a technical standpoint (and perhaps even the Dreamcast could as well, if somewhat compromised), the game was never ported, for whatever tragic reasons. And since the only machines I've ever seen for it are in cabinet form, this makes it highly unlikely that you'll find it in an arcade nowadays. And the Hikaru is not emulated at the moment, nor is it emulatable in the near future. Unless a breakthrough happens, an official release from Sega will be the only way Planet Harriers ever gets exposed to the public, lest it become lost to the ravages of time.

So that's why you should vote for Planet Harriers. Sure, you might want to play Panzer Dragoon Saga. But you know what? Even if you don't feel like buying a Saturn and paying $150 for the discs, you can always just boot up SSF, torrent the ISOs, and have at it. I'd definitely love to play Golden Axe: Revenge of Death Adder, SegaSonic the Hedgehog or OutRunners on my Xbox, but I can already do that with MAME, if I wanted to. Any number of other random Genesis or Saturn or arcade games work the same way. It's not exactly the most legal way to do things, but it is possible. You can't do this with Planet Harriers, at all, and might not be able to, ever.

And if you don't care about Planet Harriers, keep in mind some of the other games that never got ports (or got crappy ports) and remain unemulated. Daytona USA 2, maybe? MAME claims Wing War doesn't work, but it kinda does, and would still be neat to see. Cool Riders, or Harley-Davidson & L.A. Riders (minus the license perhaps) or Sega Super GT/SCUD Race would be fantastic too. Even the remaining Spikeout games would be neat, considering the only one available is an obscure Xbox release.
Anyway, the form is in Japanese, so here are the instructions:

In the first space just put your e-mail address. In the second space put the game you want (Planet Harriers XBLA/PSN, or プラネットハリアーズ XBLA/PSN). In the last one you can put in a comment, just something simple. I wrote mine in English but if you want to be classy you can put in Japanese too, with these simple translations:
I want Planet Harriers! -
Please port Planet Harriers to XBLA/PSN -
I want to have Planet Harriers' babies! -
(actually don't do that one, even if the idiom makes any sense when translated into Japanese it will probably be kinda creepy.)
So let's all pitch in and make this a thing that can happen, and keep a bit of arcade history alive!
Planet Harriers does look cool. I'd really like to see those Phantasy Star games with updated graphics ported to PSN.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to know how it is that I never played this game. I've been going to the Palisades since it opened and have no memory of it. (The arcade has moved a couple of times since then--for a while it was right above the Cheesecake Factory and now it's on the top floor right outside Target.)
ReplyDeleteI forget when it was. I think I was still in college, so...2001, 2002 maybe?
DeleteDone. Might also make a good iPad game with the right gesture controls.
ReplyDeleteDone and done. I used to play Planet Harriers at my local arcade about a decade ago, and I absolutely loved it. I bought a Dreamcast expecting to someday play a port on it, but unfortunately that port never appeared. I'd give anything to be able to play it again...
ReplyDeleteThere's tons of Sega amusement games that never got consumer versions. Virtua Cop 3 is still arcade-only and isn't emulated either. Would a game like Psy-Phi be possible on home consoles now that all platforms have motion controls?
ReplyDeletePsy-Phi would also be fascinating, considering it looks like it was cancelled before final release. Looks like there were some rumors it would show up on the PS3 a few years ago with Move but it didn't go anywhere.
DeleteIndeed. It seems like their taste for arcade port collecctions is gone, too. I can support this!
DeleteDone. A good idea too, especially providing instructions. This is great - let's hope it works.
ReplyDeleteWell, you convinced me. Sent them the feedback, thanks for the steps!
ReplyDeleteIt'd be pretty neat if Sega actually ported this.
You made it so easy I couldn't say no. I amended the suggested platforms to include 3DS though, just because I thought it'd be neat. After Burner Climax was really neat to see, Sega's been doing a great job the last couple of years with their retro catalog like you said, all things considered.
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome, thanks - this is one of the few unemulated or otherwise unavailable games out there I'd desperately like to play. I remember the set up at some kind of local kiddie arcade place back in 2000 (I almost want to say Chuck E Cheese, but no, it was some kind of smaller chain) - it may have helped that I usually always ignored everything that wasn't a Marvel game when I was at an arcade before then, but the look of the thing really blew my mind. It annoyed me for the longest time that I had the whole first stage stuck in my head for years but no inkling of what the title could be, until a friend was showing me a copy of Space Harrier II one day.
ReplyDeleteMore Sega arcade goodness on XBLA/PSN is always welcome. If it's something I'd never have the chance to play elsewhere, all the better. It'd be cool if we could somehow make them get off their asses and port some of their pre-Chihiro arcade exclusives over, as that's something they haven't really touched so far.
ReplyDeletedid you check http://rbelmont.mameworld.info/?p=726 (Planet Harriers emulation) ?
ReplyDeleteYup I know it's a WIP. But Hyper Neo Geo emulation has been a WIP for years and we still don't have that, so...
ReplyDeleteNo mention of Virtua Cop 3 as one of the unported games? I want to see Virtua Cop 3 and 2Spicy on PSN/XBLA/Wii(Ware) or whatever service for a long time!
ReplyDeleteAnd SEGA keep releaseing uninspired River City Ransome-wannabee Yakuza games. I'd rather have 'em
Afterburner Climax, The House of the Dead 4 and Virtua Fighter 5R release on XBLA/PSN is one of the best things in quite a while SEGA's has done (and Shinobi 3DS).
The closest thing we got to this was the Space Harrier homage in Bayonetta. Even down to the three headed turtle boss. It was neat.