Thursday, July 23, 2009

Welcome to your doom?

So hey! Welcome to the Hardcore Gaming 101 blog. This is another experiment I've been thinking about implementing for quite awhile now. I'm actually not a huge fan of blogs - I have nothing against reading them, but they tend to lack permanence as compared to an old-school website, as the post become more and more buried (and irrelevant) as time goes on. Still, sometimes I'll end up writing some stuff that isn't detailed enough to post in an article, but I'd still like to put up somewhere. The same goes for a lot of people who want to contribute articles but don't have the time to deal with the rigorous requirements for comprehensiveness and screenshots. So hopefully this blog will be an entertaining read - I mostly intend to put up comments and reviews of stuff I'm playing at the moment, and maybe compile them into fuller articles in the future. We'll see how this goes!


  1. I love the blog so far. I feel weird being the only poster here, but I had wanted to let somebody know this:

    hg101 is the fucking bomb. I've been reading the main page for years now. I admit I wasn't part of the formative years of this incredible website, I'm just a weird outsider. Not an otaku or anything like that, just a gamer for the past 15 years or so. The stuff on this site literally blows me away half the time. Reading articles and reviews of niche Japanese titles or mindblowing stuff I had never heard about (like "Lack-of-Love" which gets me absolutely furious that there will never be a proper US release)...this is the kind of stuff that gets me amped when there's a site update.

    This blog stuff is guys mentioned Wild Palms!? I barely remember that from being rather young when it came I am eBaying it.

    I think hg101 is the only video game source on the net that actually feels like an anthropological undertaking. You guys do it with verve, panache, grace, and other such words! Thank you.

    by the way, is this title a veiled reference to Frisky Dingo? cuz that would, you know, only be the icing on the cake.

  2. Well, what do you know? +2 years and JUST NOW i'm finding this place... there's so much cool stuff to read, i feel like a kid in a candy store.

    I'm lighting up a smoke, gonna grab me a drink and sink in this pile of articles.

    Cheers from mexico ;)
